Sustainability & Circular Economy Provocateur, Designer, Sociologist, Experimental Educator and Impact Entrepreneur

Circular Systems Design Handbook (Digital Download)

Circular Systems Design Handbook (Digital Download)


Discover how to move from a linear to circular economy with handbook by Leyla Acaroglu

How do we all contribute to designing a future that works better for all of us? By transitioning our products, businesses, governments, and communities to a circular and regenerative future by design. We can all see the system failures of a reductive and linear approach to meeting human needs, so now is the time to use our creative capacity to challenge the status quo, to design products and services that maintain and increase value over time, to create a post-disposable future, and to activate a positive contribution to this beautiful planet we all share. This forth handbook in the Make Change series by Leyla Acaroglu defines the key tools of Circular Systems Design, systems thinking, life cycle thinking and product service systems models.

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